Monday, October 15, 2012

Workflow - Quad Blocking out shot

This is from my lecture on week 3 - Advance Walking

  1. Gathering reference close as possible
    1. Copy poses all the way through.
    2. Add in little body machanics.
    3. Alter your poses to do what the scene requires.
    4. Pay extra attention to clavicle and scapula.
    5. Build your compilation, in the sequence you want your animation.
  2. Start Blocking
    1. Lay in poses.
      1. Create a pose, every time the animal lands with its front feet.
      2. Create a walking chart that shows the foot placement from top view.
      3.  Use the chart to figure out where all the legs are at when front foot is planted.
      4. Do not put in to much details on the feet.
      5. Pose out clavicles to get a better shape, use rotation.
      6. Move Body controller to move the body.
      7. Remember chest leads the body, use rotation Y on both chest and pelvis
    2. Double Poses, fix timing.
      1. Double your poses to figure out timing
      2. Rough out head animations, for it to lead the look at.
    3. Add in one level of body mechanics.
      1.  Rough out the chest
        1. Rotate the Y into the step.
        2. During passing,  transition body up then rotate the chest towards the leg that is being lifted.
        3. Rotate the chest slightly up, when foot contacted the ground.
        4. Transition the chest left and right, which ever side of the foot contacts, transition into the contacted foot.
    4.  Leg Poses
      1. Since you moved all the basic body parts.
      2. Go back and view all legs

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